Thursday, July 10, 2008

Is this a sign?

Phoenix has always had low, low fasting (morning) blood sugars - generally around 50. Then, during the day it's around 140-160 after meals. it's not uncommon to see up to 200. And then, once in a while, we'll see above 200. It's rare, but it does happen, when his bg is above 300. But, since he has these low-lows his readings average out on his A1C to be just slightly above normal - hence the "pre"-diabetes. 
Well, yesterday Beeb's fasting bg was 117. A fluke I tell you - he must have got food without me seeing it. Nope. Today it was 97. Could this be a sign of what's to come? We'll be taking note of it and keeping an eye on things, like usual, and wait until our next pedi endo appt on Sept. 1st.

1 comment:

Heather said...

wow keep us posted! GL!
