Monday, April 28, 2008

pediatric endocrinologist

Phoenix had his appt with his pediatric endocrinologist today. After looking at Phoenix's previous blood glucose levels and all the information I brought, Phoenix was diagnosed as pre-diabetic. He had his A1C test which tells you the average blood glucose level during the past 3 months, it was normal at 5.5 so it looks like we've just caught this at the very beginning, also called the "honeymoon period". He's having more testing done and will have to be seen every 2-3 months. The dr sounded pretty confident that Phoenix will have type 1 diabetes, we just don't know when - it could be in 2 months or 2 years. We don't have to restrict his diet ever, and he's not being put on insulin yet but we do have to test his blood 3-5 times a day. I really liked the pedi endo and his nurse. They all did a great job. The dr was really informative and laid-back but proactive at the same time. Phoenix had more blood tests to test for diabetes antibodies and some other stuff and we'll get those results in a few days. He did awesome though, and this endo office has a "toy bin" only it's not a bin and it is not toys like you'd think a drs office would have - Phoenix got the Shoots and Ladders board game, a new teddy bear and coloring crayons - they were trying to find him a coloring book too but I said he was okay! The nurse was like "I'm sorry, we'll have better toys for him next time." Even though we are dealing with this now, at least he's being taken care of and everyone is super friendly.

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